Termite Extermination Service in Ho Chi Minh City | Thorough, Reputable, Cheap, 10-Year Warranty
"Diệt mối TPHCM", Termite extermination service company, termite prevention in Ho Chi Minh City specializes in receiving termite extermination at home at cheap prices, reputable, guaranteed to eliminate termites 100%. Warranty 5 - 10 years. Website: https://dichvudietmoihcm.com/
Address: 551/10 Le Van Khuong, Hiep Thanh Ward, District 12
Phone: 0966.797.695
Email: lienhe@dietmoihieptoanphat.com
Tags: #dietmoitphcm, #dichvudietmoi, #dietmoitangoc, #phongchongmoitphcm, #dietmoigiare, #dietmoiuytin, #dietmoitainha
Google Sites: https://sites.google.com/view/dietmoidichvuhcm
Don't worry, dichvudietmoihcm.com will help you solve this problem effectively. With over 15 years of experience, we are proud to be the leading unit in the field of insect and termite prevention and extermination in Ho Chi Minh City.
Our services:
Termite extermination: No need to dig, no environmental pollution, protect your home.
Termite prevention: Protect the project right from the construction stage, helping you save costs and time.
Periodic spraying of mosquito and insect insecticides: Protect your family's health.
Insect extermination: Moths, cockroaches, ants, rats, ...
Why choose dichvudietmoihcm.com?
Prestige, quality, cheap price: Professional team of technicians, modern chemicals, methodical working process.
Promotions: Many attractive promotions for customers.